Additional Criminal Background Check Information

The travel industry is full of opportunities for our graduates, and it can be the same for you too! Each area in the travel industry like flight attendant, travel agent, cruise line, hotel, and others has different guidelines they must obey when hiring candidates.

Those that have a felony are unable to attend The Travel Academy and most likely unable to obtain a position in the travel industry. Those that hold a misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor still have opportunities in the travel industry, but are unable to become a flight attendant for at least five years. But, don’t let this discourage you, you maybe able to complete the Criminal Rehabilitation process to freely enter and exit Canada. Read below for more options. There are also many other options available to you. Careers working on a cruise ship, airport jobs, or travel agency positions. Below is more information specific to each job category.

Flight Attendant

Those that have a misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor generally are unable to become a flight attendant for at least five years. This is due to the strict government guidelines airlines must obey. Here are typical requirements to become a flight attendant:

Be able to successfully complete a background investigation, including FBI fingerprints, criminal history, and pre-employment drug test (if you have been convicted of a criminal misdemeanor or felony within the last five years, you are not eligible for a crew member position due to Canadian Immigration Regulations. If the conviction was between the last 5 to 10 years or if you have more than one conviction, you must complete the Canadian Criminal Rehabilitation process prior to being considered for the position. An offer of employment is contingent upon successful completion of FBI fingerprint background results, physical agility test and training.)

However, you maybe able to obtain the Criminal Rehabilitation process and receive the ability to enter freely into Canada. As a flight attendant, most airlines require you to be able to enter and exit freely beyond Canada. View the Canadian Immigration Regulations here for more information. In some cases you may be able to get your criminal background cleared, but is on a case by case basis. By obtaining a waiver from Canadian Immigration, you will be eligible to be considered for a flight attendant position.

Cruise Line

When working on board for a cruise line, there are requirements by TSA (Transportation Security Administration) as well as by the USCG (United States Coast Guard) you must have to be able to qualify for a cruise line position. A TWIC card which is required on U.S. flagged ships. Click here for TWIC Disclosure and Certification Process. These requirements are standard for all U.S. flagged ships.

Travel Agent

Every travel agency is different on their requirements when hiring candidates. It is recommended to best conduct a criminal background check on your own to verify what is on your background. This can help eliminate any surprises before you begin the application process to a travel agency or any place of employment. It is recommended to carefully review each job description on whether they state if a background test will be conducted.